Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. MaRoselle Cag Microsoft Agent. Type Default Programs , then click it. Click Choose default apps by file type. Scroll down until you see the. Click Microsoft Edge beside it. Select a new default program to open it. Click X to apply changes and close the window.
When it completes, click on the small arrow icon next to it and select the "always open files of this type" option. This marks the file type so that it is run automatically whenever files matching it are downloaded to the local system. For some file types, "always open with system viewer" is displayed instead; this is the case for PDF documents. That's all there is to it. All future files that you download that match the file extension will be run automatically on the system.
Note : Google Chrome prevents certain file types from opening automatically. The option to select "always open files of this type" is grayed out and not available for file types that Google considers dangerous. File types that won't show the option include.
Basically, any file type that is popular when it comes to malware distribution is blocked in Chrome. Chrome will always load them in the default application that is associated with the selected file type; the browser does not include options to select a different program for certain file types.
The process needs to be repeated for other file types that you want executed automatically instead of just downloaded. You probably wonder how to reset the feature if you made a mistake. There are two options for that. First, you can uncheck the option if the file type is still displayed in the download bar in Chrome.
Since future files won't be listed there anymore once you have made the change, you are left with the following option:. All custom run instructions have been reset so that all files will be downloaded once again and not run automatically. Thanks — you taught me what the Google forums did not. Clear, concise, to the point — yay you! Chrome must have changed. Java applets and some other type of files are not allowed to open in chrome by default. Is there any way to open this type of file automatically after download?.
The settings for this seem to be quite different now, and I can not find the solution to stop JPG files from opening. So, where is the link for the update? I just spent fifteen minutes trying to make this work. Also do you know how to make the tool bar at the bottom float in and out with the cursor? Is there any way through group policy or registry settings by windows admins to allow automatic launch of a certain file type e. He had the pleasure of creating one of the very first animation websites on the internet, Animation Factory.
For 13 years he managed and created media for Animation Factory. He is now a part-owner and an employee working full time at PresenterMedia. His hobbies outside of work revolve around being involved in the bicycling community in Sioux Falls, SD. He never misses an opportunity to get on his bike and enjoy a ride. Oct 21, -. Kanishka Dutta. Nov 20, -. Google must have changed their settings page.
There are no auto-open options near the download setion. Dec 11, -. Jan 09, -. Mar 12, -. Aug 15, -. Jim Mooney. Not in the Download settings anymore. I am forced to go through their crappy player Every Time, when I want to dl a bunch of mp3s. Screw Chrome. I'm going back to Firefox. I'm tired of fighting a "option" they haven't fixed in years. Aug 17, -.
Billy Schlotter. You are right Jim, it is not in the download section anymore. We will update this post to reflect that. You can know just right click on the downloaded item and either uncheck or check 'Always open files of this type. Oct 13, -. A download link will start an automatic download regardless of the browser. Our site does not start a download till the download button is clicked. The best solution is to know what you're clicking on and making sure you have an anti-virus installed that will scan each downloaded file.
Oct 15, -. Nov 16, -. That doesn't work because I can't download the file. It opens every time. Nov 17, -. What opens?