Please avoid torrent or crack files, they are more often than not infected with malware as these hackers know the reason you are downloading an antivirus is because your computer is exposed without protection. The free version may lack some core features, but it is still a better choice over pirated copies from torrent. Always support the original software if you have the financial means, especially for small business owners.
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Adobe Photoshop CC. VirtualDJ Avast Free Security. WhatsApp Messenger. Talking Tom Cat. Clash of Clans. Subway Surfers. TubeMate 3. Google Play. A computer virus is a type of malware that can spread quickly between computers and other devices. Learn how viruses work and how to protect against them. Have your computer and personal data been taken hostage?
Find out how to remove ransomware from your Windows PC safely and recover your data. Trojan horse malware disguises itself as harmless to trick you into installing it.
Learn how Trojans work and how to prevent attacks. Find out how to check for and detect keyloggers. Then learn how to remove them to protect your personal information and sensitive data. Ransomware is a serious threat to individuals, businesses, and even hospitals. Learn how ransomware works and block hackers from holding your files hostage.
Doxing, or doxxing, is the release of someone's personal info without their consent. Find out how doxing works and how you can prevent it. The best passwords are strong enough to thwart a brute force or dictionary attack.
Find out how to create good, easy-to-remember passwords. Note : If your download did not start automatically, please click here. If you need to install Avast on a PC without an internet connection, you can download the offline installer here. Worldwide English. In order to view this page correctly, you must have a JavaScript-enabled browser and have JavaScript turned on.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Learn how to enable it. Get complete protection with powerful antivirus, plus:. Try it free for 30 days. Single- and Multi-Device options let you choose the protection that works best for you. Protection against your greatest online foes Avast Premium Security protects against all online threats including spoofed websites and ransomware. Now you can safely shop and bank online. Spoofed fake websites are one of the oldest hacking tricks in the book.
Avast Premium Security scans websites for security risks on both your computer and mobile phone, so you can finally shop and bank online safely on any device. Spoofed websites have become increasingly sophisticated over the years. For example, a hacker may use DNS spoofing to create a malicious duplicate of a legitimate shopping or banking website.
Avast Premium Security keeps you safe by automatically redirecting you to secure sites, ensuring that you never land on a spoofed website. It also protects against hacked routers that use fake DNS settings to send you to fake websites. Stop hackers from taking over your PC. Remote access attacks are on the rise — and the last thing you want is for a hacker to remotely take control of your PC and infect it with malware or lock your files with ransomware.