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However, place of publication is no longer included in references. When electronic book is retrieved from academic research database and was not assigned a DOI, you no longer include name of database. However, if that ebook is ONLY available from that database, then such additional information is provided in the reference. Book without an author or editor, no DOI assigned, subsequent edition. Note that many of these books do not have page numbers, so cite direct quote using section if provided and paragraph number.

Recommendation: if no section names, count paragraphs from beginning of book. Authored book without a DOI, from academic research database or print version, multiple authors.

Authored book without a DOI, from academic research database or print version, multiple authors, subsequent edition. When author and publisher are the same, omit the publisher. Edited book without a DOI, subsequent edition, from most academic research databases or print version.

One volume of a multivolume work with editors indicated but without a DOI, chapters not separately authored, subsequent edition, from academic research database or print version. Article or chapter in an edited book editors indicated, chapters separately authored but without a DOI, from academic research database or print version. Article or chapter in a book where each chapter is written by a Contributor, and book has authors not editors , subsequent edition.

Article or chapter in a book where each chapter is written by author s , publisher is book author so omit publisher name , subsequent edition.

All reports even those retrieved online must include publisher. When a report is retrieved from an academic research database and was not assigned a DOI, you no longer include name of database. However, if that report is ONLY available from that database, then such additional information is provided in the reference.

Please see separate section in this style guide for examples of how to format ERIC documents references. Organization-Authored report without a DOI, from academic research database or print version. Has report number. When author and publisher are the same, omit publisher name. Agency name is placed in publisher position. When no publication date indicated, provide title first.

Government webpage. Author is parent agency. Archived date listed as "Last updated". Provide full date, not just year of publication. Also do not forget to italicize title. In this example, entire title is name of a place proper noun. Government webpage with Government Agency as author, parent agency appears on page, shows "Page last reviewed" date therefore, indicate publication date of n. Include parent agency in site name position. State of Michigan government webpage, agency author, parent agency does not appear on webpage.

This example is of an online form, no date provided for content just in webpage footer , has site name. Do not forget to italicize title. In-text cite of quotation section heading shortened, so use quotation marks. Notes: Not all U. Government Report, authored by two parent agencies, no publication date appears on the report, and no report number indicated. Since author agencies do not have parent agencies, nothing is indicated in publisher position.

Government document with publication number, retrieved print format Note that the agency publication number may appear on the document or in the online catalog. State of Michigan Government document without publication number. APA 7th ed. Retrieved print format. When author and publisher are same, omit publisher name. Definition Entry in a general Dictionary, retrieved online, no entry author, no date, no editor. For direct quote, recommend providing more-specific information--see example below.

Note that even though this is an ebook, the entries are not viewable in PDF. When website form of online reference work content indicates last updated, include that as its publication year. However, do not include a reviewed date. However, treat online form of printed encyclopedias similar to chapter in edited book, and use published year. Entry in an online Encyclopedia webpage form with entry author name, without a DOI. Include date of retrieval.

Entry in an online Encyclopedia webpage form with entry author name and publisher, without a DOI. Since version of entry is archived, no date of retrieval is necessary. Entry in an Encyclopedia with entry author name, assigned a DOI online or print , and is a single volume. Must include full pagination of entry, not just the cited page. Entry in an Encyclopedia with an entry author name, from most academic research databases or print version, multiple volume set. Title of the review and authorship appears in italics at the beginning of the review narrative example provided below.

Also, note that many entries published in MMY contain more than one review. Title of the test is capitalized. Note: According to the Manual p. Also note that when the title is mentioned, it is both capitalized and italicized. When providing a note and copyright attribution underneath the figure, use reference information from the source and also include an entry in References list.

When citing a work accessed online, please remember to apply APA 7th ed. That is, do not use footer template year. Reference components include: author of visual work itself, year of source, title followed in square brackets by type of medium, site name, and URL if retrieved online.

All of the examples below include the url to the visual work itself, not to the webpage which has the image of the visual work. If it will make it easier to find the visual work, you may provide the url of the work itself jpg, etc. This is especially helpful if there are many visual items which appear on a webpage. If the visual work does not have a title, provide description including type of medium see example below. If image of visual work is available online, then include URL to that image.

However, if words such as "test" or "scale" is not part of the test or scale title, then do not capitalize that word. Nursing Code of Ethics. Guidelines and additional examples appear in the Manual Chapter 11 Congressional document For legislative materials such as hearings, provide: title, session of Congress, and year held. URL optional. Unenacted federal bill - retrieved through Congress. Adapting the example which appears in the APA Manual , 7th ed.

Information as it appears online from the State of Michigan Legislative Council:. The board of a school district or intermediate school district that operates or participates in a consortium that operates an alternative educational program pursuant to section , a vocational-technical skills center or other separate vocational education program, or any other type of specialized or alternative school or program shall ensure that the requirements of sections a, a, , and are met for each of those schools or programs.

History: Add. Michigan legislative document For legislative materials such as hearings, provide title, Congress, session, and year. Note that no part of reference entry is italicized. For legislative materials such as hearings, reports, bills, etc. Paper published in book form of Proceedings, 3 authors format similar to a chapter in an edited book.

Paper in proceedings published regularly, 21 or more authors format similar to journal article example had 99 authors. When content is only available limited circulation from an online source such as monographs provided in ERIC , provide the name of the database in the reference Sections 9. In the 7th edition of APA Style, the definition of what is considered a published thesis or dissertation has changed. This type of work is considered "unpublished" if it was "retrieved directly from the college or university in print form.

Provide name of repository. The APA Manual 7th ed. Basically, "works that cannot be recovered by readers" Section 8. In the new edition, there is extensive discussion about citing "Traditional Knowledge or Oral Traditions of Indigenous Peoples" pp.

Personal communications do not appear in the reference list, but are cited within text as follows:. Narrative citation: J. Campbell personal communication, October 13, Parenthetical citation: L.

Brothen, personal communication, June 6, Copyright by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission. Includes articles retrieved from most academic research databases or print version. Includes print, online, assigned a DOI, and ebook accessed directly from the publisher textbook example. APA Style 7th edition Comprehensive version of above videos ; SD [HD version forthcoming] Shows how to format various types of journal articles, books, webpages, videos, and course materials.

APA Style 7th edition: How-to reference articles with DOIs comprehensive This video shows how to format various types of journal articles assigned a DOI, and how to format in-text citations for each of these.

APA Style 7th edition: How-to reference books comprehensive This video shows how to format various types of books without DOIs; with assigned DOIs; textbooks accessed directly from the publisher; with authors; with editors; authored chapters in edited books; authored chapters in books created by authors; contributors who wrote chapters; and where author and publisher are the same.

Found the following work while searching one of the Library databases, and retrieved online through direct subscription with publisher. Disabilities, vol. APA Reference entry 7th edition. DOI assigned. Must include issue number when provided:. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 42 2 , Use last name, first and middle initials. For works with one author, list it. For works with 21 or more authors list first 19, an ellipse three dots These are major changes from APA Style 6th edition guidelines.

If the publication year is also used for the volume number, provide that year in the volume position of the reference. New for 7th edition: When issue number is provided, it must be included in the reference. Include all page numbers where article appears. Do not use sloppy format, such as ; instead write complete range: New for 7th edition: If journal is published online-only and articles are numbered or assigned an eLocator, provide that number preceded by the word: Article.

Unique number assigned to primarily journal articles, and some e-books and e-book chapters. Note that not all articles are assigned a DOI, especially popular magazine and newspaper articles. The DOI always begins with 10 followed by a period and four digits and a slash.

Example: Remaining part of identifier may be all numbers, all letters, or combination of letters and numbers. Must include issue number when provided.

October Click here to view APA Manual 7th ed. The following are instructional aids for the seventh edition Publication Manual. They can be used in homes, classrooms, libraries, or anywhere you are learning or teaching APA Style.

NMU is an equal opportunity Institution. Today's hours: am — pm Doors are locked 15 minutes before closing. APA Style 7th Edition. Reference Examples 7th ed. In-text citations 7th ed.

Article Reference Explained 7th ed. General notable changes in reference formats 1. Works with authors: List all authors. Works with 21 or more authors: List first 19, an ellipse, then the last author. Rule 9. Journal Article Wilens, T. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20 4 , Triathlon transition study: Quantifying differences in running movement pattern and precision after bike-run transition. Sports Biomechanics, 18 2 , — Obermair, A.

Effect of total laparoscopic hysterectomy vs total abdominal hysterectomy on disease-free survival among women with stage I endometrial cancer: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA, 12 , — Monroy, C. Visual habituation in deaf and hearing infants. Norris, E. Virtual field trips as physically active lessons for children: A pilot study. No issue number was provided. Lawrence, J. Quantification of protoporphyrin IX accumulation in glioblastoma cells: A new technique. Genetics in Medicine, 21 7 , — Kishore, T.

Robotic assisted kidney transplantation in grafts with multiple vessels: Single center experience. International Urology and Nephrology.

Advance online publication. Skowronski, D. Polack et al. New England Journal of Medicine, Fortification of maize flour with iron for controlling anaemia and iron deficiency in populations. The website Sci-Hub, now in its sixth year of existence, provides gratis access to scholarly literature, despite the continued presence of paywalls. Elbakyan describes herself as motivated to provide universal access to knowledge Elbakyan, a ; Elbakyan, ; Milova, Sci-Hub does not restrict itself to only openly licensed content.

Instead, it retrieves and distributes scholarly literature without regard to copyright. Readers should note that, in many jurisdictions, use of Sci-Hub may constitute copyright infringement. Users of Sci-Hub do so at their own risk. This study is not an endorsement of using Sci-Hub, and its authors and publishers accept no responsibility on behalf of readers.

There is a possibility that Sci-Hub users — especially those not using privacy-enhancing services such as Tor — could have their usage history unmasked and face legal or reputational consequences. But of course, the most important part in Sci-Hub is not a repository, but the script that can download papers closed behind paywalls.

One method Sci-Hub uses to bypass paywalls is by obtaining leaked authentication credentials for educational institutions Elbakyan, These credentials enable Sci-Hub to use institutional networks as proxies and gain subscription journal access.

Since its inception, Sci-Hub has experienced sustained growth, with spikes in interest and awareness driven by legal proceedings, service outages, news coverage, and social media Figure 1 and Figure 1—figure supplement 1. Here we investigate the extent to which Sci-Hub provides access to scholarly literature.

The light green period indicates when Sci-Hub used LibGen as its database for storing articles Elbakyan, Light blue indicates the collection period of the Sci-Hub access logs that we analyze throughout this study Elbakyan and Bohannon, The events indicated by the letters A , B , C … are explained in the main text.

B Several LibGen domains go down when their registration expires, allegedly due to a longtime site administrator passing away from cancer. The statutory damages, which the defendants do not intend to pay, now bear interest. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. J The version 1 preprint of this study is published Himmelstein et al. Within five weeks, the domains sci-hub. Whenever a user requested an article, Sci-Hub would check LibGen for a copy.

He found a global pattern of usage. They estimated this ratio at for the Royal Society of Chemistry and for Elsevier. Greshake also analyzed the logs to identify per capita Sci-Hub usage Greshake, Portugal, Iran, Tunisia, and Greece had the highest usage, suggesting Sci-Hub is preferentially used in countries with poor institutional access to scholarly literature. In a subsequent study, he found especially high Sci-Hub usage in chemistry, with 12 of the top 20 requested journals specializing in chemistry Greshake, a ; Greshake, b.

Since , Sci-Hub has operated its own repository, distinct from LibGen. In other words, what percentage of articles in a given domain does Sci-Hub have in its repository? To define the extent of the scholarly literature, we relied on DOIs from the Crossref database, as downloaded on March 21, All DOIs were lowercased to be congruent across datasets see Methods.

Figure 2 shows coverage by article type. The scholarly literature consisted primarily of journal articles, for which Sci-Hub had Overall coverage suffered from the 10 million book chapters, where coverage was poor The remaining Crossref types were uncommon, and hence contributed little to overall coverage.

Coverage is plotted for the Crossref work types included by this study. In reality, these include conferences with proceedings as well as book series. For inclusion in this analysis, each required an ISSN and at least one article as part of the Crossref-derived catalog of scholarly literature.

Accordingly, our catalog consisted of 23, journals encompassing 56,, articles. Of these journals, 4, Only 70 journals were inactive and also open access. The Browser also provides views for each journal and publisher with detailed coverage and access-log information. The total number of articles published by each journal is noted in the Crossref column. At the extremes, 2, journals had zero coverage in Sci-Hub, whereas 2, journals had perfect coverage. Of zero-coverage journals, Of perfect-coverage journals, Hence, inactive, toll access journals make up the bulk of perfect-coverage journals.

Each bin spans 2. Next, we explored article coverage according to journal attributes Figure 4. Sci-Hub covered Articles from inactive journals had slightly lower coverage than active journals Strikingly, coverage was substantially higher for articles from toll rather than open access journals Coverage did vary by subject area, with the highest coverage in chemistry at Active refers to whether a journal still publishes articles. Open refers to whether a journal is open access.

Note that some journals are assigned to multiple subject areas. As an example, we identified neuroscience journals, which contained 1. Sci-Hub possessed We also evaluated whether journal coverage varied by journal impact. We assessed journal impact using the CiteScore, which measures the average number of citations that articles published in — received during Highly cited journals tended to have higher coverage in Sci-Hub Figure 9A.

The 1, least cited journals lowest decile had The largest publisher was Elsevier, with 13,, articles from 3, journals. For the eight publishers with more than one million articles, the following coverage was observed: In total, 3, publishers were represented in the journal catalog.

The coverage distribution among publishers resembled the journal coverage distribution, with most publishers occupying the extremities Figure 3. Sci-Hub had zero coverage for 1, publishers, and complete coverage for publishers. Article coverage is shown for all Scopus publishers with at least , articles. Next, we investigated coverage based on the year an article was published Figure 6.

However, there is a dropoff in coverage, starting in , for recently published articles. For example, coverage was One factor is that it can take some time for Sci-Hub to retrieve articles following their publication, as many articles are not downloaded until requested by a user.

Another possible factor is that some publishers are now deploying more aggressive measures to deter unauthorized article downloads Rovner, ; Becker, , making recent articles less accessible. In addition, the prevalence of open access has been increasing, while Sci-Hub preferentially covers articles in toll access journals. Figure 6—figure supplement 1 tracks yearly coverage separately for articles in toll and open access journals.

For both toll and open articles, the recent dropoff in coverage appears to begin in Figure 6—figure supplement 1 compared to when calculated across all articles Figure 6. In addition to having limited readership demand, these journals are generally open access, and thus less targeted by Sci-Hub. These findings suggest Sci-Hub prioritizes circumventing access barriers rather than creating a single repository containing every scholarly article.

In the previous analyses, open access status was determined at the journal level according to Scopus. However, articles in toll access journals may also be available without charge.

In line with our findings on the entire Crossref article catalog where Sci-Hub covered Coverage of the , closed articles was Gray indicates articles that were not accessible via oaDOI referred to as closed. Here, all three State of OA collections were combined, yielding , articles. Figure 7—figure supplement 1 shows coverage separately for the three State of OA collections.

These findings suggest a historical pattern where users resort to Sci-Hub after encountering a paywall but before checking oaDOI or a search engine for green access. As such, Sci-Hub receives requests for green articles, triggering it to retrieve green articles at a similar rate to closed articles. However, hybrid and bronze articles, which are available gratis from their publishers, are requested and thus retrieved at a lower rate. Since we were unaware of any studies that comprehensively profiled library access to scholarly articles, we collaborated with Penn Libraries to assess the extent of access available at the University of Pennsylvania Penn.

Penn is a private research university located in Philadelphia and founded by the open science pioneer Benjamin Franklin in During this year, its users accessed 7. Penn Libraries uses the Alma library resource management system from Ex Libris. Using these manual access calls, we found PennText correctly classified access PennText claimed to have access to of the articles [ When PennText asserted access, it was correct However, when PennText claimed no access, it was only correct for 41 of 78 articles [ Nonetheless, we proceed by showing comparisons for both the articles with manual access calls as well as the , articles with PennText calls.

In practice, readers of the scholarly literature likely use a variety of methods for access. Figure 8 compares several of these methods, as well as their combinations. Based on our manual evaluation of articles, we found This remained true on the full set of , toll access articles from the State of OA dataset, where oaDOI only provided access to This figure compares datasets of article coverage corresponding to various access methods. Each diagram shows the coverage of three access methods and their possible combinations.

Within a diagram, each section notes the percent coverage achieved by the corresponding combination of access methods. Contrary to traditional Venn diagrams , each section does not indicate disjoint sets of articles. The top two diagrams show coverage on a small set of manually evaluated articles confidence intervals provided in the main text. The bottom two diagrams show coverage on a larger set of automatically evaluated articles. The two lefthand diagrams show coverage on all articles, whereas the two righthand diagrams show coverage on toll access articles only.

Specifically, the top-right diagram assesses coverage on articles that were inaccessible from outside of an institutional network. Similarly, the bottom-right diagram assesses coverage of articles that were classified as closed or green by oaDOI, and thus excludes gold, hybrid, and bronze articles those available gratis from their publisher. Sci-Hub and Penn had similar coverage on all articles: Remarkably, Sci-Hub provided greater access to paywalled articles than a leading research university spending millions of US dollars per year on subscriptions.

However, since Sci-Hub is able to retrieve articles through many university networks, it is perhaps unsurprising that its coverage would exceed that of any single university. Combining access methods can also be synergistic.

The coverage metrics presented thus far give equal weight to each article. However, we know that article readership and by extension Sci-Hub requests are not uniformly distributed across all articles.

Instead, most articles receive little readership, with a few articles receiving great readership. We identified 7,, outgoing citations from articles published since However, if only considering the 6,, citations to articles in toll access journals, Sci-Hub covered On the other hand, for the , citations to articles in open access journals, Sci-Hub covered only Sci-Hub released article access records from its server logs, covering days from September through February Elbakyan and Bohannon, ; Bohannon, b.

After processing, the logs contained 26,, access events. Hence, Sci-Hub provided access to an average of , valid requests per day in late —early In the first version of this study Himmelstein et al. In future, I also want to expand the Sci-Hub repository and add books too. Therefore, on a chapter-by-chapter basis, Sci-Hub does already possess many of the requested scholarly books available from LibGen.

We computed journal-level metrics based on average article downloads. In aggregate, articles from toll access journals averaged 1. Figure 9B shows that articles from highly cited journals were visited much more frequently on average. Articles in the least cited toll access journals averaged almost zero visitors, compared to approximately 15 visitors for the most cited journals.

In addition, Figure 9B shows that articles in toll access journals received many times more visitors than those in open access journals, even after accounting for journal impact. A Average coverage for journals divided into CiteScore deciles. The CiteScore range defining each decile is shown by the x-axis labels. Nothing in the bill would criminalize law-abiding citizens, and the bill contains explicit language barring the creation of a gun registry. Much like demagogues and autocrats demonize their opposition, the NRA attacks advocates of gun violence prevention in order to justify its political agenda.

In this vein, the group and its surrogates have repeatedly painted the opposition as traitors who seek to strip the law-abiding gun owner and American patriot of their fundamental freedoms. This tactic serves as an umbrella to vilify the media, government officials, and civil society members who advocate for legislation that would reduce gun violence. The focus on painting traditional media as a self-aggrandizing disinformation machine is a common theme across NRA media platforms.

You guys love it. Crying white mothers are ratings gold to many in the legacy media. Members of Congress advancing gun violence prevention legislation face regular attacks from the NRA. The NRA attempts to vilify the speaker by making her appear elitist and out of touch with the struggles of average Americans—willing to abuse her power in order to fulfill her personal agendas, including those that would allegedly limit the rights of gun owners. Feinstein as someone who is morally opposed to the Second Amendment and American freedoms.

The visibility of Sen. In response to a speech delivered by Sen. Senate and the Democratically controlled House of Representatives want to disarm me. That could cost me and my family our lives. Civil society is actively engaged in the quest to end gun violence and prevent more families from being torn apart by preventable tragedies. Strongman leaders use fearmongering rhetoric as part of an overall agenda to gain power and retain control over a country.

The National Rifle Association uses these tactics to control the debate around gun violence and ensure the gun industry continues to be profitable, regardless of the human toll. Public opinion research indicates that the majority of people in the United States—across partisan lines—support policies to reduce gun violence, such as universal background checks for all firearm sales and assault weapons bans, yet polling data also indicate that a majority of Americans believe gun ownership increases personal safety.

By perpetuating a culture of fear and divisiveness, the gun rights group is crippling legislators and lawmakers who want to address a public health crisis that kills more than 35, people a year in the United States. While the strategy of the National Rifle Association has been remarkably effective thus far, the United States has recently experienced a shift around gun culture.

In , following the murder of 14 students and three staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, by a shooter armed with an assault rifle, several corporations severed ties with the gun rights organization. The NRA has established a narrative that frames the organization as the protector of freedom while combating the passage of legislation that would make communities safer from gun violence.

Yet the group is not driven by a desire to protect fundamental freedoms. Much like a nondemocratic leader, its goal is centered around a desire to secure and sustain political power. She previously served in the Obama administration in the U. Prior to her political appointment, she served as the inaugural Hillary R.

The author wishes to thank Chelsea Parsons for her indispensable counsel. She thanks Steve Bonitatibus for his vital advice and guidance in writing this report. The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone.

A full list of supporters is available here. American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible. Arkadi Gerney , Chelsea Parsons.

In this article. InProgress Stay updated on our work on the most pressing issues of our time. Glossary of key terms Illiberal nation or regime: A nation or regime whose leaders are democratically elected but who then implement policies that repress the political rights and civil liberties of their nation, standing in opposition to liberal democratic principles.

How the NRA mutated from supporting gun safety to advocating gun rights. Consequences of the playbook Collectively, these tactics are regularly implemented in illiberal nations whose leadership is focused on stifling debate, with the extreme methods resulting in crackdowns on political rights and civil liberties in order to suppress a nation into submission.

How the NRA spreads and engrains its message. Exploiting xenophobia on issues of border security The issue of security along the U. Vilification of opposition Much like demagogues and autocrats demonize their opposition, the NRA attacks advocates of gun violence prevention in order to justify its political agenda. The following year, he was elected president of the organization. Quote appears at Ronald J. It should stay in Hungary. Quote starts at and ends at Guns Down America, gunsdownamerica, February 11, , a.

Lott, Jr. David E. Stark and Nigam H. Quote appears from through Bipartisan Background Checks Act of , H. Quote appears


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